Dinner by Metro Centrum

The Friday Warsaw SEVA is held every Friday at 1730h at ground next to the entrance to Metro Centrum, (Patelnia) in Warsaw city Centre

Dinner by Hala Mirowska

The Wednesday Warsaw SEVA is held every Wednesday at 1400h at the side side of Hala Mirowska, Plac Mirowski off Jana Pawła II.

Dinner by Pałac Kultury

The Sunday Warsaw SEVA is held every Sunday at 1500h at the carpark of the PKiN. (Palace of Culture) in Warsaw city at the fountain opp the Main Drama Theatre (Teatr Dramatyczny).

Dinner by Metro Centrum

The Saturday Warsaw SEVA is held every Saturday at 16.00th at ground next to the entrance to Metro Centrum, (Patelnia) in Warsaw city Centre.

Dinner by Metro Centrum

The Friday Warsaw SEVA is held every Friday at 1730h at ground next to the entrance to Metro Centrum, (Patelnia) in Warsaw city Centre.

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